
enhanced bash

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Ebash aims for extreme compatibility with the intention that it “just works” on just about any *NIX OS. While it is not feasible to test ebash on every OS/Distro, we nonetheless test it many popular combinations on every single build. You can view the build status any time using the build batch at the top of this README or by going here: Builds.

Here is a table showing all the currently test and validated OS/Distro combinations:

OS Disto Version
Linux Alpine 3.15
Linux Alpine 3.14
Linux Arch rolling
Linux CentOS 7
Linux Debian 11
Linux Debian 10
Linux Fedora 35
Linux Fedora 33
Linux Gentoo rolling
Linux Rocky 8.4
Linux Rocky 9.4
Linux Ubuntu 20.04
Linux Ubuntu 18.04
MacOS N/A 15.0