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Module elogrotate

func elogrotate

elogrotate rotates all the log files with a given basename similar to what happens with logrotate. It will always touch an empty non-versioned file just log logrotate.

For example, if you pass in the pathname ‘/var/log/foo’ and ask to keep a max of 5, it will do the following:

mv /var/log/foo.4 /var/log/foo.5
mv /var/log/foo.3 /var/log/foo.4
mv /var/log/foo.2 /var/log/foo.3
mv /var/log/foo.1 /var/log/foo.2
mv /var/log/foo   /var/log/foo.1
touch /var/log/foo
(*) Denotes required options
(&) Denotes options which can be given multiple times

   --count, -c <value>
         Maximum number of logs to keep

   --size, -s <value>
         If specified, rotate logs at this specified size rather than each call to elogrotate. You
         can use these units: c -- bytes, w -- two-byte words, k -- kilobytes, m -- Megabytes,
         G -- gigabytes


         Base name to use for the logfile.