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Module os

func command_exists

Helper function to check if a command exists. The actual implementation could be a function in our environment or an external program.

func edistro

edistro is a generic way to figure out what “distro” we are running on. This is largely only a Linux concept so on MacOS this produces “darwin” as per uname output. Otherwise, Linux generically supports getting the Distro by looking in /etc/os-release. This is lighter weight than having to ensure that lsb_release is installed on all clients. If we have to, we’ll fall back to lsb_release and finally just use raw uname output if nothing is available.

NOTE: Instead of calling uname here we just use EBASH_OS which is set inside ebash.sh to avoid having to call that repeatedly.

func os_pretty_name

Get a prety name for this OS in the form of:


For example:

Gentoo Linux 2.7
Alpine Linux 3.11
Darwin 10.15.7

This can be customized using EBASH_OS_PRETTY environment variable to give the caller complete control over how this will be displayed.

func os_release

Get the released version of the currently running OS or distribution, OR check whether that is in a list of release versions that you specify.


         If specified, as long as the release of the current OS or distro is one of those in
         the list, the command will succeed. If unspecified, the current release will simply
         be printed.

func require

Helper function to validate that a list of commands are all installed in our PATH.