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Module string

func bool_to_string

bool_to_string converts a boolean value of ‘0’ to the string ‘false’ and the boolean value of ‘1’ to the string value ‘true’. Any other value passed to this function is an error.


         Input boolean numeric value to convert to a boolean string.

func lower_snake_case_to_title_case

Convert a given input string that is already in “lower snake case” and convert it into “title case”. Basically, this splits on an underscore, and replaces the underscore with a space. Then it capitalizes each word. Note that the first word is also always capitalized even if there are no underscores in the input string.

For example:

slice_drive_size => Slice Drive Size
foo => Foo

         Input string to convert from lower_snake_case to Title Case.

func string_collapse

Collapse grouped whitespace in the specified string to single spaces.

func string_getline

Helper function to make it easy to grab a specific line from a provided string. This is done using sed with ‘${num}q;d’. What this does is advance to the requested line number, deleting everything it has seen in the buffer prior to the current line, then then quits. This is significantly faster than the typical head | tail approach. The requested line number must be > 0 or an error will be returned. Since we don’t expect the caller to check the number of lines in the input string before calling this function, this function will return an empty string if a line number is requested beyond the length of the privided string.


         Input string to parse for the requested line number.

         Line number to fetch from the provided input string.

func string_trim

string_trim trims all leading and trailing whitespace off of the provided input and returns a new string with all the leading and trailing whitespace removed.

func string_truncate

Truncate a specified string to fit within the specified number of characters. If the ellipsis option is specified, truncation will result in an ellipses where the removed characters were (and the total string will still fit within length characters)

Any arguments after the length will be considered part of the text to string_truncate

(*) Denotes required options
(&) Denotes options which can be given multiple times

   --ellipsis, -e
         If set, an elilipsis (...) will replace any removed text.


         Desired maximum length for text.

func to_lower_snake_case

Convert a given input string into “lower snake case”. This is generally most useful when converting a “CamelCase” string although it will work just as well on non-camel case input. Essentially it looks for all upper case letters and puts an underscore before it, then lowercase the entire input string.

For example:

sliceDriveSize => slice_drive_size
slicedrivesize => slicedrivesize

It has some special handling for some common corner cases where the normal camel case idiom isn’t well followed. The best example for this is around units (e.g. MB, GB). Consider “sliceDriveSizeGB” where slice_drive_size_gb is preferable to slice_drive_size_g_b.

The current list of translation corner cases this handles: KB, MB, GB, TB



func to_upper_snake_case

Convert a given input string into “upper snake case”. This is generally most useful when converting a “CamelCase” string although it will work just as well on non-camel case input. Essentially it looks for all upper case letters and puts an underscore before it, then uppercase the entire input string.

For example:

sliceDriveSize => SLICE_DRIVE_SIZE
slicedrivesize => SLICEDRIVESIZE

It has some special handling for some common corner cases where the normal camel case idiom isn’t well followed. The best example for this is around units (e.g. MB, GB). Consider “sliceDriveSizeGB” where SLICE_DRIVE_SIZE_GB is preferable to SLICE_DRIVE_SIZE_G_B.

The current list of translation corner cases this handles: KB, MB, GB, TB

