
enhanced bash

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Module trap

func trap

ebash asks bash to let the ERR and DEBUG traps be inherited from shell to subshell by setting appropriate shell options. Unfortunately, its method of enforcing that inheritance is somewhat limited. It only lasts until someone sets any other trap. At that point, the inhertied trap is erased.

To workaround this behavior, ebash overrides “trap” such that it will do the normal work that you expect trap to do, but it will also make sure that the ERR and DEBUG traps are truly inherited from shell to shell and persist regardless of whether other traps are created.

func trap_add

Appends a command to a trap. By default this will use the default list of signals: ${DIE_SIGNALS[@]}, ERR and EXIT so that this trap gets called by default for any signal that would cause termination. If that’s not the desired behavior then simply pass in an explicit list of signals to trap.


         Command to be added to the trap, quoted to be one argument.

         Signals (or pseudo-signals) that should invoke the trap. Default is EXIT.

func trap_get

Print the trap command associated with a given signal (if any). This essentially parses trap -p in order to extract the command from that trap for use in other functions such as call_die_traps and trap_add.


         Signal name to print traps for.