
enhanced bash

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The simplest mechanism for installing ebash is to simply clone it from Github:

git clone https://github.com/elibs/ebash.git ~/code/ebash

Alternatively you can download an archive from ebash releases.

Update PATH

Next we need to update your ${PATH} variable so that you can invoke ebash from the command-line from anywhere. This means you need to add ebash into ${PATH} inside your shell’s configuration files.

For example:

$ echo "PATH+=:${HOME}/code/ebash/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ which ebash

Alternative: Git Submodule

A very attractive way to use ebash is to embed it within another project as a git submodule.

Here is how you would set this up:

git submodule add https://github.com/elibs/ebash.git .ebash


To help with installing the dependencies that ebash requires, check out the scripts in the install directory. All of these scripts install packages through the appropriate package manager on your OS/Distro. These work on all the OS/Distros that ebash supports as documented in compatibility.